Benefits of Using Meeting Rooms for Training

A meeting room is ideal for a whole range of activities like brainstorming, impressing clients and collaborating on projects. It’s also the perfect place for training sessions.
Why the Right Environment Matters for Training
Choosing the right environment for training is the foundation for a successful meeting. In the wrong environment, people can struggle to absorb information and find it difficult to concentrate. Choosing a private work-focused space will help your attendees gain knowledge whilst avoiding distractions.
Key Benefits
Access to Technology
Technology can be used in many different ways during your sessions. Screens can display presentations, diagrams and any relevant information. Meeting platforms can be incorporated to call people outside the room. Digital tools can encourage audience participation for more active learning. The possibilities are endless! If you’re unsure of what technology to include, consider what you want participants to gain from your session. What tools can you use to make sure everyone can remember the information they’ve been told? For example, you could use a video that includes visual demonstrations to help people remember something important.
Comfortable Environment
If there’re distractions, it can be more difficult for people to take in information. A private office is a space where annoyances like interruptions and noise are minimal. A private room dedicated to work puts participants in the right mindset to get things done without distractions.
A comfortable environment is also something to consider when choosing your room. If attendees don’t feel comfortable, this can be a distraction in itself. For example, if the temperature is too hot, then people may find it hard to concentrate. To help with a problem like this, you may hire a space that has both heating and air conditioning. Once you’ve found the right environment for your workspace, you’re on the right track for a successful meeting.
Professional Image
If you’re training new employees, having a meeting room suggests to them that you’re professional. It reflects that you take work seriously, so they should be as well. If clients are attending your session, having a meeting room can impress them. If you were to carry out a meeting in a setting that wasn’t professional, it may be more difficult for attendees to concentrate.
Many meeting rooms can accommodate high numbers of attendees. A classroom layout is particularly good for training. It consists of tables and chairs which face the front of the room. The person leading the session will stand in front of everyone and may use a whiteboard or screen as well.
Some rooms also have the ability to accommodate hybrid meetings. These allow participants in the office and remote attendees to collaborate virtually. Platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are used to do this. This is a great option for those who can’t travel to your session or like to have the option to work from home.
Types of Training That Benefit From Meeting Rooms
Everyone has different ways of leaning. Depending on the type of training you’re doing, you may be able to include some of these points so everyone is catered for:
- Many people learn by actively doing tasks. If your training is about how to do a new task, give them the chance to have a go. For example, if you’re teaching employees how they should write emails to clients, give them the opportunity to write a draft. Giving feedback on tasks can be useful so participants know how to do better next time. People won’t know how to improve if they aren’t told how to.
- Some people are visual learners. Step by step demonstrations can be useful for many. For example, if you’re introducing a new software, do a screen share to show everyone exactly how to use it.
- Some employees may need reminders to help reinforce information. Make any presentations and important information is available once the session has finished. Allow attendees to take notes if they want to so they can jot down anything helpful to them. You could even record the session and upload it somewhere for people to watch.
Discover Spacepool's Wide Range of Meeting Rooms
Spacepool has many professional workspaces to discover in different locations around the country. Every flexible office space comes with different layouts, amenities and facilities. If you’re searching for something specific, we have a filtering tool on our website that you can use. Find a workspace so you can carry out a training session today!