How To Make Hot Desking Work For Your Business?

Hot desking is a popular and innovative new way to make the most of limited office spaces in your local area. As a unique alternative to private office rentals, hot desking allows you to use shared working areas with other businesses for lower costs and more amenities.
Hot desking is a workspace system in which desks are used by different people at different times, on an ad hoc basis. Its main aim is to maximise space efficiency and lessen property risk by reducing redundant office space.
With hot-desking being such a new and upcoming tactic to lowering business costs and maintaining productivity, it is inevitable that it’ll take some adapting and change to fit into your business.
That’s why we’ve put together this guide helping you to make hot desking work for your business.
How To Manage Hot Desking?
One of the biggest challenges of hot desking is maintaining a productive and efficient workplace. When employees are constantly moving around and sharing desks, it can be difficult to keep track of who is doing what.
That’s why effective hot desk management is essential for any businesses who want to improve their productivity in the long run. To overcome this challenge, consider using a hot desking software solution.
A hot desking software solution can help you to manage your hot desking environment by tracking desk usage and employee whereabouts, as well as making delegation of work and responsibilities easier and simpler. This way, you can ensure that everyone is productive and that desks are being used efficiently.
Another challenge of hot desking is ensuring that employees have a comfortable and ergonomic workspace. When employees are sharing desks, it is important to make sure that each desk is set up properly for the individual. This includes things like adjustable monitors, comfortable chairs, and adequate lighting.
By taking the time to set up each desk properly, you can help ensure that your employees are comfortable and productive. Finally, it’s essential that you keep in mind that hot desking is not for everyone.
Employees don’t all like to work in the same way, and some people might work better in a more traditional office environment. If you have employees who are not comfortable with hot desking, consider giving them their own dedicated workspace.
Explore A Variety Of Hot Desking Options
There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for hot desking. Every business is different, and what works for one may not work for another. As such, it’s important to explore a variety of hot desking options to find what works best for your business.
One option is to allow employees to choose their own desk each day. With an open rota system, you could provide people with the opportunity to pick their location for the day on a first-come-first-serve basis, with special admissions for those with specific requirements. This can be a great way to encourage employees to move around and interact with different people.
Another option is to assign desks ahead of time so that employees are comfortable with where they are and your business can work more efficiently with knowing where everyone is. This can also be helpful if you have employees with specific needs, such as those who require a comfortable workspace or additional measures to be able to work properly.
Ultimately, the best way to find what works for your business is to experiment. Try out different hot desking options and see what works best for your employees. With a little trial and error, you can find the perfect hot desking solution for your business.
Advanced Hot Desk Booking
When it comes to hot desking, there are a few things you can do to take your business to the next level. One way to do this is to find a location that offers an advanced hot desk booking system.
This can be a great way to ensure that employees are able to reserve desks in advance. This can be especially helpful for employees who require a specific type of workspace or special requirement (as aforementioned) which can improve the overall efficiency of all employees.
Alternatively, you could find somewhere that offers a range of different hot desk booking options. This may include things such as standing desks, sit-to-stand desks, and dedicated workstations that could improve your employees’ working experience and help them to be happier whilst working.
By going somewhere that offers a variety of hot desk options, you can cater to the needs of a variety of employees within your organisation. Lastly, you could take your hot desking to the next level by finding a business that offers a hot booking concierge service.
This will incorporate things like desk setup and teardown, ergonomic consultations, and workplace wellness services into your package for a greater experience. With all of these bonuses, you can ensure that your employees are comfortable and productive during their time at work.
How To Hot Desk Successfully With Spacepool
Hot desking has never been easier with the help of Spacepool. With their innovative new business layout, you can find the perfect workspace for you with added bonuses like contract management, additional support and help contacting through the site to make sure you find the ideal location for your budding business.
Spacepool allows you to find spaces you love, with options to search by team size, workspace type or keyword. Then filter the result. With such an easy-to-use and simplistic model design, it’ll be hard to find anywhere more equipped to help your business to the degree that we can.