How Much Office Space is Needed Per Person?

What Is the Right Amount of Office Space Per Person?
Offices can be laid out in a number of ways, but what’s favourable for an individual will change from person to person. Some people prefer desks close together for socialisation, whereas other employees can adapt better to a private office. But how many square metres of office space is needed per person? No matter the layout of the building you’re in, 100 square feet or more for a person is healthy. This includes the desk they use, and any communal spaces on site.
Why is There a Set Amount of Office Space?
A cramped work environment can be very unhealthy. When a workday becomes stressful, having a small amount of room can feel claustrophobic. People want to feel comfortable in their work area, and without room for storage, or important equipment, this can be limiting. When you’re searching for offices to rent, they usually cater for a specific number of people. Some of this is because if another seat was added, it would become too cramped and therefore difficult to work.
What are the Best Ways to Maximise Office Space?
When putting offices together, there’s a lot to think about. Maximising space is always a big factor to keep in mind. You want to get the most out of how the office area is used, but also make sure everyone is happy and has enough room themselves. Here are some ideas and tips on how to optimise space in the office.
Desk Spacing
If you really want to get the most out of desk spacing, allowing employees options for flexible working can be helpful.
- Hot desking – This is when employees sit at different desks rather than having one allocated to them. This can be effective in a variety of ways but is particularly good for maximising office space. For example, someone may choose to work from home for most of the week and only be in the office occasionally. If this individual has their own desk, it can go unused. But with hot desking, areas won’t be left unoccupied.
- Have private and communal spaces – If you can provide employees with a mix of both types of spaces, they can choose how they want to work. If they want to collaborate with people, they can, if they want to get on with what they have to do more privately, then this can be done too.
Maximising Storage Space
A clean and tidy work environment can put people in a good head space to be able to get on with the workday ahead. There’re many ways to do this.
Storage solutions around the office – These can stop clutter on desks and in the office as a whole. Employees can make use of cabinets, lockers and cupboards for their personal belongings or anything work related. Making use of the walls like putting in shelves and wall cabinets can be helpful if there’s limited floor area.
- Storage under your desk – Many people forget they have a good amount of space that can be used right at their feet. If employees house storage solutions under their desk like a mini filing cabinet, or some kind of unit, they can keep their important documents and items close to them.
- A paperless environment – With a bunch of paperwork at hand, it’s easy for things to get lost and messy very quickly. If paper is used less and digital storage systems are introduced, this can reduce the clutter. As well, this is a good step towards helping the environment.
Rearranging Large Furniture
Large furniture is great to have in an office, but thinking about where it will be kept is important to keep in mind.
Don’t use up all the space - the key when rearranging furniture, is it think about what makes the room look and feel bigger. A spacious area can make a better impression compared to a crowded room. Light furniture is good to have as it can make the room appear larger than it actually is.
If it’s not needed, swap it out – If you have several sofas, but not many employees, think about how you can use this space in a different way.
Offices at Spacepool
Looking for the perfect office or workspace can be a long process, but Spacepool makes this simpler. On our site, you can search through offices using filters so it’s easier to find what one works for you. We have a tonne of offices at hand to discover.