How to Reduce the Cost of your Office

Staying financially efficient as a business grows is one of the most important things management can do for longevity. Reducing unnecessary costs, increasing profits (without cutting corners) and overall making improvements for the betterment of the staff mean the business becomes futureproof, steady and focused.
Here’s a look at some of the best ways to reduce the cost of your office.
What Can You Change To Reduce Your Outgoings?
Do you find yourself with left over software subscriptions that you’re no longer using? Take a look at what is essential and what can be cancelled/frozen for the time being. You may not need certain programs until later in the year, saving yourself money until it comes time to use them. Certain software subscriptions often come with “tiered” options, meaning you may be able to reduce the level of your access until you need more, saving costs but hanging on to the essentials.
Offices are fairly energy usage heavy, due to the amount of devices on 8-10 hours a day, if not longer. You may find you don’t need everything you currently have, and may even be able to sell certain items (printers, laptops, appliances etc.) to save money and utility costs. For instance, if you have a variety of Audio/Visual equipment you only use a few times a year for marketing projects, you may be able to sell these on and instead rent the equipment when it comes to use them.
Spare space
As we all well know, office space is a premium these days. If you have a spare desk, office or even boardroom that doesn’t get much use, you may be able to rent it out to potential freelancers or even other businesses.
Office size
Downsizing is one of the easiest and clearest ways to save money. Monthly rent and overheads can take up a huge percentage of potential profits for a company, and if the office isn’t being used to its full potential, it may be worth considering downsizing to something that fits your needs better. Daily office hire is a great, cost-effective solution here.
Office location
Certain postcodes can be very, very expensive. Some because of their prestiage, others because of the businesses surrounding them. Either way, if the location of your business isn’t essential to the overall success, it may be worth considering a new location. Even in a city as big as London, ten minutes down the road could save huge amounts of money on rent/bills purely based on the location.
Opt for cloud services
Servers are expensive, as is server maintenance, so it may be worth taking a look at going cloud based instead. This can also reduce space within your office, allowing you to downsize, or make better use of the available room.
Go eco friendly
Most businesses are pushing for green initiatives as it is, but by taking an environmental focus with your business, you may even be able to save money overall. Going paperless means you can save costs on printer paper, stationary, ink and even printers themselves. Less lights on and more devices in eco-mode means reduced energy costs. You could also try encouraging team members to walk or cycle to work where they can. Less cars on the roads means less travel expenses, less parking costs and less space required for vehicles on-site.
Should Your Business Be Using A Flexible Workspace Instead Of An Office
As flexible working becomes more and more common in the world of office-based businesses, businesses are finding less and less need for traditional spaces. If you find yourself with more team members working from home or off-site, a flexible workspace may be for you. By opting for daily office hire rather than a fixed space you can tailor your rent/outgoings with much more focus and flexibility based on your company’s needs, even day-to-day.
Explore Flexible Workspaces With Spacepool
No matter your budget, size, or industry, Spacepool has what you need for the perfect office space. Whether you’re growing overnight and need more space or want to try daily office hire to cut back and save costs, Spacepool has thousands of different spaces available.
Our easy to use platform allows you to filter down by even the most specific needs, including on-site cafes, AV Equipment and even whether the location is pet friendly.