A Guide to Networking in a Coworking Environment

A Guide To Networking In a Coworking Environment
Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that networking has numerous advantages.
From opening opportunities for new career roles, to gaining knowledge or insight into how other companies and individuals approach tasks and challenges, networking can help you reach your full potential.
Within a coworking environment, there are endless opportunities to network. Whether you’re working from a private office, hot desk setup or have rented out a coworking space on a long-term arrangement, an ever-changing group of coworkers means a constant stream of people to meet and connect with.
Tips For Networking in a Coworking Space
For some people networking comes naturally. Yet for many workers, it may be daunting to consider approaching other individuals within your coworking space.
Remember that many people could be feeling the same and it’s always worth reaching out to your coworkers - you never know where it could lead.
With so many office spaces now available in cities such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham we’ve pulled together some top tips for networking in a coworking space - helping you to harness the skills on offer around you and to engage with the people who can help you most.
Share Knowledge & Insights
When it comes to coworking environments, hot desk office space can be an ideal way to meet others within your industry, collaborate with those working in similar areas to you or simply share knowledge and ideas with those around you.
The simple formula of moving around and interacting with different people on different days means that you’ll constantly be exposed to new ideas, insights, and knowledge. Equally, you can share your expertise by starting up conversations (when it’s not distracting to others) and asking open ended questions to nearby coworkers.
Attend Coworking Networking Events
It’s not just in big city office spaces such as London, Manchester and Birmingham where the big networking takes place. Wherever you are in the country, you should be able to find coworking networking events - and if you can’t, why not consider starting up a social group or evening meet up for the people you’ve met?
Coworking networking events are brilliant as you know that other people are there for a similar purpose - to meet likeminded professionals, or individuals who they could do business and/or collaborate on projects with. You won’t have to worry that people don’t want to talk or interact because that’s probably the main reason why they’ll be attending the event.
If you’re feeling nervous about attending, make a mental list of some opening questions you can ask, or consider going with a friend or colleague from your current work spot.
Participate In Casual Conversation
Water cooler chat - whether you love it or hate it, there’s certainly value in being a part of the day to day conversation in your coworking space.
Participating in casual conversation doesn’t mean gossiping about the annoying habits of a coworker or analysing what another is wearing. Casual conversation in a coworking space can lead to big opportunities and it’s important to take the time to participate wherever you can.
One day people might be discussing good places to eat or drink and you may learn more about the area around you or a new lunch spot to try. Another day, a coworker may be looking for someone to work with on a project or be looking to hire someone with exactly your skillset.
Always keep your ear to the ground and make sure you contribute positively wherever you can to conversation in a coworking environment.
Use Shared Breakout Spaces To Your Advantage
Breakout spaces are popular in coworking environments with hot desk office space, as a separate area to the more formal work zones. The spaces are the ideal setting for workers to get away from their desk, meet with other users of the space and potentially brainstorm ideas.
Designated as spaces for holding conversation and taking breaks from intense workflow, break out spaces are a great option for networking. You can start talking to coworkers without worrying about distracting them from tasks, and you’re likely to be welcome to take part in conversations that may be going on around you.
Offices spaces in London have had break out spaces for many years but recently they’re a common feature of almost all coworking environments. Well designed offices spaces in Manchester and Birmingham will usually come complete with specific physical areas where ideas are shared and networks are made.
Heighten Your Networking Opportunities With Spacepool
Spacepool doesn’t just offer you a free way to find your next office. With office spaces in key cities such as London, Manchester, and Birmingham you can enjoy the networking opportunities that Spacepool spaces will expose you to.
As more and more businesses move online and offer remote working, networking opportunities can feel few and far between. Coworking environments can change all this - presenting you with an ever-changing flow of potential colleagues to collaborate with and be inspired by.