Switching from the Home Office to a Coworking Space

Having a home office feels like a luxury for many, but some people are now making the jump to a shared workspace instead. 

Why People are Moving from Home Offices to Coworking Spaces?

Working in a home office has many advantages, but a coworking space has many benefits to offer as well:

  • They can reduce loneliness: If you work in your house all week, you might find yourself getting fed up with looking at the same walls. Having nobody to talk to can also feel isolating, especially if you live alone. Some workers are switching to using a shared workspace so they can talk to people and be around others. Instead of getting fed up with being in your house, going back to your residence at the end of the day is something to be excited about. To be flexible, some people work from a coworking space for some of the week and their home office on other days. 
  • They can minimise distractions: When working in your house, it’s easy to get distracted. This might be because you’re worried about chores that need to be done, or maybe you have noisy relatives who live with you. A coworking space is a work-focused environment that removes some of the distractions which you’d find at home. 
  • Coworking spaces have a range of amenities and facilities: You’re likely to find amenities in a shared workspace that you wouldn’t in your office. For example, some people decide to use a workspace if it has ultrafast Wi-Fi which is faster than what they have at their residence. Facilities like meeting rooms and hot desks are useful for collaborating with others.

Key Differences Between Home Offices and Coworking Spaces 

A coworking space is used by workers from different companies who share an office environment. This includes remote workers, startups, freelancers and workers from small companies. These spaces often have a range of facilities like meeting rooms, phone booths, and private offices. 

A home office is a space where someone can work from their own residence. This usually includes a chair, desk, computer and other features which allow the to work comfortably. Both home offices and coworking spaces are flexible environments that allow you to work in a way which is best for you. However, they have their differences, and many workers are now moving to a coworking space for its range of benefits that can’t be found in their house. 

How to Make the Transition 

You need to find a workspace which meets your needs. Here are some factors to consider: 

  • The location: If the space is in an area which is difficult to access, then you may run into issues. For example, if you’re planning to travel by train and the nearest station is a long walk away, this creates an inconvenience. 
  • The available amenities: When searching for a workspace, it’s always important to check what facilities and amenities are available. If these don’t align with what you need, then keep searching. 
  • The atmosphere: If you prefer to work in a quiet workspace but there’s lots of noise, then this might be unsuitable for you. 

If any of your colleagues use coworking spaces, then they may be able to recommend where they go. 

The Advantages of Coworking Spaces 

Here’s why many people choose to work in a shared workspace: 

  • It’s a flexible area full of amenities. People can work how they want to with the facilities that are available. There will typically be a mix of work areas (like meeting rooms and open areas), so you can choose which one is best for you. This also includes flexible hours - some people work better in the morning, and some work well in the evening. People can choose what membership plan works for them to allow them to get the most out of their time. 
  • Networking opportunities: Virtual meetings are useful for working with others, but some prefer to collaborate in person. Using a coworking space also allows you to meet new people, which can help you make friends and discover business opportunities. 

Contact Spacepool Today 

By using Spacepool, you can discover a wide range of coworking spaces all over the UK. Each space comes with different facilities, amenities and layouts so you can find what works for you. If you’re looking for something specific, we have a filtering tool you can use to make your search easier. Find the perfect workspace for you today with Spacepool.