Top Tips for Enhancing Creativity in Your Meeting Room

Meeting rooms can be used in a wide number of ways, and one of these is getting creative. They can be used to collaborate with others and think up amazing ideas. If you want to get the most out of your meeting room, there are many things you can do to enhance creativity amongst your employees.
Lighting is Key
If your space feels dark and gloomy, it’s unlikely that your team will feel energised. Many businesses make sure natural light can get into their office. This can improve the mood of your attendees and help them feel more motivated. If your workspace has lots of natural light in it, then this can also help any office plants to thrive. Research from The University of Exeter showed that greenery in a workspace could increase employee productivity levels by 15%.
Remember that harsh artificial light sometimes causes people to feel drowsy. Giving attendees a break from a computer screen will be helpful too.
Incorporate Colours Where Possible
Many businesses are moving away from traditional offices. Some people feel that being surrounded by white walls and minimal decor creates an unmotivating atmosphere. If you want to enhance creativity in your meeting room, try adding bright colours on the walls and using bright furniture. This can create an environment which feels energetic and exciting to get your team feeling more productive. Some businesses include fun shaped furniture or exciting decor to help do this.
If you’re a more formal business and don’t want to use too many bright colours, consider incorporating your brand colours around the room. You could paint the walls with those colours or include your brand logo around the room. This puts your employees in an environment which feels familiar and comfortable.
Arrange the Available Furniture for Collaboration
If you’re working on a project with someone, sending them a message on Teams from across the room is less effective than if you spoke to them in person. Sitting close to the team members you’re working with will help you collaborate better. To do this, you could move all the tables into one and put any chairs around them. Facing other participants is also helpful as it means you can engage with each other better. There are many ways to arrange your furniture for collaboration, you just have to find the way which works best.
Use Different Technologies
Interactive tools can be used to encourage collaboration. If you’re doing a brainstorming session, then digital whiteboards can be used to share your ideas. Padlet is an app which works in a similar way where you can say what you’re thinking and others can build on it. If you’re brainstorming in a large group, it can sometimes be difficult to get your ideas across without interrupting someone else. Using interactive tools means everyone gets a chance to contribute.
Video conferencing software can be used to collaborate with people who aren’t in the room. This offers the opportunity for attendees who are in a different location to feel equally involved.
Create a Relaxing Atmosphere
Ask everyone in your team what helps them feel relaxed. This might be to have music on in the background or to limit distractions. If people feel comfortable in their environment, this can help to enhance creativity in your meeting room.
Remember that people have different ways that work for them when thinking of creative ideas. Some people come up with their best ideas when they work alone in private. Others prefer to brainstorm ideas in a collaborative setting. Putting pressure on someone to work a certain way can be ineffective. Allowing participants to work how they want will help them feel more relaxed.
Breaks are Important
If your employees work for too long without a break, they can become burnt out. This can lead to exhaustion, and they’ll probably find it much harder to concentrate. Short breaks allow people to recharge, get a bite to eat, and take a breath of fresh air outside if needed. This means they’ll come back to their desk feeling more energised for the day ahead.
Book a Spacepool Meeting Room Now
With Spacepool, you can find the perfect coworking space for you and your team to collaborate in. We have many workspaces to explore with different amenities, layouts and facilities. If you need your office to have something specific, we have a filtering tool on our website that you can use to find it. Explore our spaces today and discover one which works for you and your team.